We are writing to inform you that we received notice that the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) has filed charges against ArcelorMittal Dofasco for a visible air emission event in February, 2015 which originated from our Ironmaking operations. The company had a court appearance earlier today and we anticipate it will take some time for the normal proceedings to be completed.

The company has, and continues to, cooperate fully with the MOECC however given that the matter is now before the Courts, it would not be appropriate to comment further on the charges at this time. However, as you know ArcelorMittal Dofasco is committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of its business, including environment and community impact. To that end, we continue to invest in our operations and extensively monitor with onsite cameras and sensors as well as Ministry of Environment and Climate change enforcement officers. These actions contribute to immediate response to high opacity events, as well as improved frequency, duration and severity of emission incidents.

A reminder that our next scheduled CLC meeting is November 10, 2016.