Our Team Orange volunteers were out and about supporting the Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. We had a great team of volunteers that helped with various guest experience activities, children’s activity stations and more!

CF walkOur Team Orange members aren’t the only ones getting behind Cystic Fibrosis Canada as our Employee Donations Fund (EDF) also made a $5,000 donation to the organization to improve the well-being of children and adults living with Cystic Fibrosis in the Hamilton/Niagara area.

This is the latest grant made by the Dofasco Employee Donations Fund this year and one of several in May. Other grants made in May included the Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club ($15,000) and support to six local area food banks ($10,000 each). So far in 2017, Dofasco Fund members have donated $187,500 and their work is far from over. We know the organizations they support deliver much needed services in the community and that they are extremely grateful for the partnership from our employees.  Cathy Wellwood, Chief Development Officer for the Hamilton Good Shepherd Centres, one of our community partners, said “We could never do what we do without ArcelorMittal Dofasco and their employees – they are our strength, so we can serve our people”.

Since its inception in 1943, Dofasco employees have been voluntarily contributing to the Employee Donations Fund to make a difference in our local community. Over the many decades, our employees have refurbished parks, funded hospitals, and nourished families, helping to shape the landscape of youth, health and social programs in our region.

The Dofasco Employee Donations Fund works on the premise that when many people contribute just a little, it adds up to a lot. And that’s what allows our employees to continue to make a difference in our community.