It’s official, ArcelorMittal Dofasco is a repeat winner for Innovation of the Year at worldsteel’s Steelie awards.


ArcelorMittal Chairman Lakshmi N. Mittal accepted the award on behalf of our team at worldsteel’s annual dinner on October 6 in Moscow, Russia. ArcelorMittal was also recognized in the Best Website category.

Congratulations to the ArcelorMittal Dofasco team for another prestigious win!


This year’s innovation award is in recognition of the world’s only, automated variable width spreader beam which adjusts to accommodate both scrap bucket and hot metal ladle widths in the Electric Arc Furnace. The solution means that the beam can be remote controlled to accommodate either size, which provides speed and efficiency in switching between scrap and hot metal charging in the furnace. The automation took a 7-minute changeover down to 50 seconds, adding the potential for an extra heat of steel per day at the facility.

Due to the extreme temperatures of the hot metal ladles, the solution required the development of an innovative heat shield to protect the gear assemblies on the automated beam, as well as a dedicated drive for each hook. The team also incorporated modular drive systems to allow for their quick change out.

Worldsteel’s Steelie Innovation of the Year award recognizes the most innovative nomination for technical improvement or environment mitigation among the organization’s 170 member companies. Nominations are sought through the worldsteel technology committee and judged by the technology committee steering committee.

Read more about the Steelie’s at worldsteel’s website.