I couldn’t have imagined back in February when I received a phone call from a colleague at ArcelorMittal Dofasco inquiring about my knowledge of the Pan Am games, that I would have been one of the 3000 people carrying the flame.  What an honour to be a part of the Dofasco Team and for the opportunity to participate in this historical event, representing Canada.

Kim Hubbard torchbearerJune 21st came very quickly, and the Weatherman called for “100% rain”, but as luck, and an angel on my shoulder would have it, the day was perfect.     The Pan Am Torch Relay Organizers were so incredibly organized – everything scheduled down to the minute.     The Winona / Stoney Creek Torchbearers shouted a cheer to Joe Carrescia as he exited the Pan Am Relay shuttle bus at his start point, and then continued down Hwy 8 to drop each Torchbearer off at their respective start location.

My start point was Spartan Avenue on Hwy 8, and I exited the shuttle to cheers from so many family, friends, and work friends, that I felt overwhelmed with emotion.  People taking time out of their busy Sunday, and Father’s Day to boot, to come out to support and cheer me on.   My nervousness was quickly replaced by excitement and sheer joy.

The Pan Am flame soon arrived to my start point in a lantern and my torch was lit, and off we went.  People lining the road cheering, cars honking, all made the 200 meters a truly magical experience.  Torchbearer 009 was waiting for me to light his torch and we cheered him on his way as it continued down Hwy 8.   It was all over so fast, but has left me with a wonderful memory and a feeling of deep gratitude to Dofasco for giving me this amazing opportunity, as well as to all those who supported me through this once-in-a-lifetime experience.