Community Liaison Committee Update on conveyor belt fire and KOBM upset week of May 25 to May 29, 2015.

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On Monday morning, ArcelorMittal Dofasco experienced an upset at our KOBM Steelmaking facility which was immediately reported to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change’s Spills Action Centre (7:20 a.m.). The upset was within our steelmaking facility when a safety system was triggered which temporarily stopped the furnace process.  This created an upset of iron oxide (particulate) that appeared brown/orange over industrial property.  Our instrumentation team immediately corrected the situation and we were able to resume under normal conditions. Our team is investigating a back-up system in order to avoid a re-occurrence.

Yesterday afternoon we experienced a fire at our EAF Steelmaking facility in a conveyor system that carries lime. The fire was extinguished quickly and everyone is safe.  No emissions escaped the building.  Production resumed early in the evening. We are grateful to both our ArcelorMittal Dofasco Fire Dept. and Hamilton Fire for the quick work.

Today, maintenance activity began at #2 Coke Plant. The work began at 4:30 a.m. and is expected to continue until approximately noon on Friday, requiring that Coke Oven Gas be flared directly at the #4 and #5 Coke Batteries.  Coke Plant personnel will exercise additional diligence in managing the flares during this period, but there may be occasional visible emissions.

The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change is aware and supportive of our maintenance plans.