On April 8-9, McMaster University hosted one of Canada’s premier science, technology and engineering competitions for high school students, the FIRST Robotics Ontario District Regional Competition.

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Khadija Hosseini, a Grade 12 student, from Cardinal Newman Catholic Secondary School, discusses her team’s machine with ‎Katrina McFadden (Vice-President, Human Resources and Corporate Administration, ArcelorMittal Dofasco) and Dofasco mentor James Purtill (CTS).

ArcelorMittal Dofasco was a sponsor of the event, which attracted more than 1,000 students, volunteers, parents and sponsors. Teams must compete in at least two district events where they accumulate points. The top 60 teams in Ontario will compete at the District Championship at the Hershey Centre in Mississauga. The winners of that event represent Ontario in a FIRST Championship Event.

Dofasco sponsors several Hamilton, Burlington and Oakville FIRST Robotics teams, which compete across Canada and the United States. Under strict rules, limited resources, and a six-week time limit, students and their mentors, which include Dofasco employees, raise funds, hone teamwork skills and build and program industrial-size robots to play a field game against competitors.

Dofasco had eight sponsored teams participate in the McMaster competition among a pool of 42 teams. St. Mary’s Catholic Secondary School won the competition, while Cardinal Newman and Bishop Ryan Catholic secondary schools both made it to the finals.

Congratulations to all of the talented students who participated. Our teams also received these awards:

  • Imagery Award: Cardinal Newman
  • Gracious Professionalism Award: Bishop Ryan
  • Industrial Design Award: MM Robinson High School
  • Engineering Inspiration Award: St. Mary’s High School
  • FIRST Dean’s List Award Finalist: Alexandra Hon – St. Mildred High School
  • Woodie Flowers Mentor Finalist: Dofasco employee Ken Rogerson, for work with St. Mildred High School

Our sponsorship of the event is part of our commitment to inspire the next generation of technology leaders through STEM education and competition. In addition to FIRST Robotics and FIRST LEGO® League, ArcelorMittal has also made the High Skills Advanced Manufacturing Program possible for local high school students, giving them a first-hand education in advanced manufacturing skills and career opportunities.