All employees are encouraged to take company-sponsored First Aid and CPR training. When Renata, a Buying Associate at Dofasco signed up, she never imagined how quickly her new skills would be put to use.


On Sunday, June 26, a day after taking the CPR Certification Training, facilitated by the Red Cross of Canada at the F.H. Sherman Recreation Centre, Renata Vucicevic was beach-side when a young woman collapsed. She began administering CPR, but just as fast as the woman’s vitals pounded back, they were gone again.

For 7-harrowing minutes Renata and three other people conducted compressions until first responders arrived. By the time Renata was back to her family, just metres away where they had been packing up their car to leave when the crisis struck – the young woman was conscious, responsive – and on her way to hospital.

“My whole life I never attended CPR training, nor was I ever in a situation where CPR needed to be administered. I am still amazed at the timing. The adrenaline just kicked in and I knew exactly what I was supposed to do.”

More than 460 employees have taken a free half-day First Aid and CPR course so far this year, something Renata is very glad she decided to do, “I wasn’t required to complete this course for work, but I decided to do it for my own personal advancement. For all those who don’t think they need a CPR course, you just never know if tomorrow could be the day you will. I hope my colleagues hear this story and sign-up.”