ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Employee Donations Fund invested a remarkable $469,500 in 14 health and human services organizations during 2015.

Employee Donations Fund Blog

From left: Neil Gallaway, Larry Meyer, Andy Baboth (ArcelorMittal Dofasco), Joanne Santucci (Hamilton Foodshare), Junior Charles (ArcelorMittal Dofasco), Daljit Garry, (Wesley Urban Ministries) Doug Farraway (Neighbour to Neighbour), Philip McInerney (ArcelorMittal Dofasco), Paddy Bowan and Wendy Kennelly (Mission Services), and Doug Bell and Jonathan Malloy (ArcelorMittal Dofasco).

A big thanks to these donor recipients for the work they do in our community:

  • Good Shepherd Centre
  • Hamilton Food Share
  • Inner City Outreach Mission
  • Mission Services of Hamilton
  • Neighbour to Neighbour Centre
  • St. Matthew’s House
  • United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton
  • Wesley Urban Ministries
  • Easter Seal Soc. of Hamilton & Wellington Regional Services Hospital Family Houses of Ontario o/a
  • Mark Preece House
  • Living Rock Ministries
  • Hamilton out of the Cold Program
  • Tastebuds, Hamilton’s Student Nutrition Collaborative
  • Robert Land Community Association

Employees have been contributing to the Employee Donations Fund (EDF) at Dofasco since 1943. Through these donations, more than $4.9 million has been invested in our Hamilton, Burlington and Niagara area communities. From breakfast programs and camp opportunities to funding for community organizations, employees have created a legacy of making a difference and changing lives.

The EDF works on the premise that when many people contribute just a little, it adds up to a lot. Participating members make an automatic bi-weekly donation from their pay which is made in their name. The Employee Donations Fund is administered by the elected members of the Fund Advisory Committee.

Tomorrow, members of the Employee Donations fund will join Team Orange to officially present Foodshare Hamilton with $69,720.20 during their annual holiday packing and sorting event at the Foodshare warehouse. The EDF contributed $55,000 of this, while employee social committees have raised $9,720.20 through casual Fridays, bake sales and other fundraising initiatives. The company also contributed $5,000 on behalf of customers that participate in the annual President’s Day Golf Tournament.

To learn more about the Employee Donations Fund, or to apply for a grant, contact Lydia Williams at [email protected].