We were proud to present the 2015 ArcelorMittal Dofasco Bay Area Science and Engineering Fair (BASEF) in March – our major award winners are now competing at the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) in Fredericton New Brunswick! Both events are on NOW!

basef-blog-2On April 17, 2015 we celebrated the accomplishments of the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Special Award Winners and the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Pinnacle Award Winners. Sixteen students from 12 schools in grades seven to 12 set up their projects in our Main Office for display to all of our employees. The award winners also participated in a lunch where  Rich Rhamey, General Manager of Engineering at ArcelorMittal Dofasco, who was also the keynote speaker at the BASEF event, shared some inspiring words to challenge the students to think big about their futures.  Members of our Team Orange volunteer team attended the lunch as did Susan Olynyk, from the Purchasing team, who was the recipient of the 2015 Distinguished Service Award from Youth Science Canada for her long term contributions to BASEF.

The students then displayed their projects to visiting employees, answering many questions about their projects and results. The final part of the day was a special bus tour hosted by Glenn Elder, Technical Service Manager in Distribution. The students saw raw materials, material handling vehicles and slabs and coils waiting for more processing. The students were able to see steel scrap that takes an amazing recycling journey to become brand new steel as well as finished steel at Central Shipping on its way to customers. An added treat was a visit to research where Bruce Farrand challenged the students to understand the impacts of elements on steel strength – giving the students samples to bend in their fingers and thoughts to bend their minds.

Special congrats and best of luck to the following students competing this week:

Catherine Bowman – ISEF
Adree Khondker – ISEF

Katie Brent – CWSF
Jessica Bohm – CWSF
Claire Hunter – CWSF
Caroline Mahut – CWSF

Learn more about BASEF
Learn more about ISEF
Learn more about CWSF