Everyone knows that being active and living a smoke-free life can improve your health. So imagine the huge health benefits of tackling them both at once!

Quit smokingWe’ve got a group of employees that are doing just that beginning April 17 with the Canadian Cancer Society’s and Running Room’s Run to Quit program.

The program helps smokers quit smoking by training to run or walk a 5K race. The program runs for 10 weeks and is for all fitness and experience levels. It offers a step by step approach to give up smoking and adopt a new exercise program.

Here’s why it works:

  • Exercise reduces cravings, helps manage withdrawal symptoms and inspires people to attain better health. Run to Quit will give you tools to overcome cravings and withdrawal symptoms. And exercise itself is a natural way to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms making them easier to manage and conquer.
  • You will be with people going through the same exact thing you are and will be able to share frustrations, stories and tips to help each other. According to the Run to Quit program, participants are seven times more likely to quit smoking than people doing it on their own.
  • A big reason many people do not want to quit smoking is the concern they will gain weight. Run to Quit allows you to offset weight gain by starting a new exercise program.

Are you an employee that would like to quit? Or, do you know a Dofasco employee that might want to join?To register for the program, interested Dofasco employees and contractors can sign up at http://www.runtoquit.com/how-it-works-s16323 or contact our Wellness team at extension 6156.

The program offers several incentives including the chance to win cash prizes (up to $1,000) and a 2017 Honda Civic! All participants are encouraged to take part in the Break Free 5K Saturday, June 24 at ET Seton Park in Toronto.