Today the CBSA announced the initiation of an investigation into dumping of concrete reinforcing bar from Belarus, Taipei, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Portugal and Spain into Canada.

rebar medThe investigation was initiated in response to a complaint filed by ArcelorMittal Long Products Canada G.P., Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation and AltaSteel. It comes on the heels of the recent decision (August 12, 2016) by the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) to extend its antidumping and countervailing duty finding on imports of hot-rolled steel sheet and strip from China, Brazil, India and Ukraine into Canada.

“We were pleased with the positive outcome on the hot roll case last week,” says Sean Donnelly, ArcelorMittal Dofasco President and CEO and also Chair of the Canadian Steel Producers Association. “Continued enforcement of existing trade rulings as well as new investigations are critical to ensuring that Canadian steel producers are competing on a level playing field. This is an ongoing issue and our industry will continue to monitor and aggressively defend against unfair trade practices through trade remedy actions.”

Read the CBSA announcement

Read the Canadian Steel Producers Association release on the CBSA announcement

Read more about the CITT’s ruling to extend anti-dumping and countervailing duties on hot roll steel