We are very proud of ArcelorMittal Dofasco employees for investing $462,628.31 in our community in 2016!

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It’s no secret that we’re a team of passionate people here at ArcelorMittal Dofasco. It’s never been more true that Our product is steel. Our strength is people.® So, it’s no surprise that year after year our team comes together to set aside a little of each pay for the Employee Donations Fund which invests in community initiatives and projects that make our community and its residents stronger.

The team capped off their giving with a recent flurry of $93,000 in donations to six area food banks, just in time for the holidays. In fact, they’ve been at it all year. Quietly delivering cheques to organizations that are delivering important social services in our community. There are no press releases. No big announcements. Just hard working, dedicated folks hopping in their car and dropping off hard earned money set aside to make a difference in their community. (In fact, we had to ask them to pleeeeeaaaaase take a quick photo on one of their stops so we could include it in this blog! That’s Andy at the Salvation Army, dropping off $20,000 for The Hamilton Booth Center Shelter and Soup Van).

So, during this season of giving we’re tipping our hats to our colleagues that are members of the Employee Donations Fund. It’s a longstanding tradition at Dofasco that started in 1943 as the “Dofasco Charity Chest” to support the efforts of the Red Cross during World War II. At that time, employees each pledged 10 cents from their weekly pay cheque to assist the Red Cross in providing milk for children, sending parcels to soldiers overseas and collecting blood for troops on the front. Since those early beginnings, and for the last 70 years, generations of employees have upheld tradition and continued to give and share with the community.

Over the decades, the Dofasco Employee Donations Fund has been a major contributor to many organizations across the Hamilton, Burlington and Niagara area. From breakfast programs and camp opportunities for children, to funding for hospitals, schools, and community organizations, the Dofasco Employee Donations Fund has helped shaped the landscape of youth, health and social programs in our region.

Well done team ArcelorMittal Dofasco!