ArcelorMittal Dofasco challenges area businesses to donate to the United Way of Burlington & Greater Hamilton, matching new gifts – dollar for dollar – up to $500,000.

United Way blog

Dedicated to helping build a stronger Burlington and Hamilton, the Do Gooder Challenge recognizes that many businesses and their employees do good in our community but asks – can we do better? Can we do more good? Can we encourage more “do-gooders”?

We think so:

Katharine Short, Chair of ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Community Investments: “providing support for community projects and events like the United Way has been extremely important for ArcelorMittal Dofasco…through this work, we aim to be the spark behind a better and more sustainable region.

Larry Meyer, Chair of Employee Donations: “We’re challenging other businesses to establish a workplace campaign, challenging those who haven’t given before, to give now, and, we’re challenging those who do give, to give more.”

Jeff Vallentin, Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Burlington & Greater Hamilton: “For 86 years, we have been dedicated to making a positive change in Burlington and Hamilton by moving people from poverty to possibility, building strong communities and helping kids be all that they can be. Our partnership with ArcelorMittal Dofasco and the launch of the Do Gooder Challenge will allow us to continue to fund essential programs and services and create lasting change”.

United Way of Burlington & Greater Hamilton supports 126 programs across Burlington and Greater Hamilton thanks to the generosity of its countless donors.  For more information visit: