Each year on April 28, all sites and operations across ArcelorMittal celebrate Global Health & Safety Day.

The symbol for ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Journey to Zero accidents is the Inukshuk, meaning “image of man.” This Inukshuk is located at the Main Office and stands as a reminder of the company’s safety Journey to Zero. Inukshuks are unique to the Canadian Arctic and act as a compass or guide for journeys, helping guide trackers. The symbol was chosen to represent the company’s health and safety efforts as it conveys the importance of personal contribution and reinforces employees’ collective effort to commit to a common goal.

The symbol for ArcelorMittal Dofasco’s Journey to Zero accidents is the Inukshuk,meaning “image of man.” This Inukshuk is located at the Main Office and stands asa reminder of the company’s safety Journey to Zero. Inukshuks are unique tothe Canadian Arctic and act as a compass or guide for journeys, helping guidetrackers. The symbol was chosen to represent the company’s health and safetyefforts as it conveys the importance of personal contribution and reinforcesemployees’ collective effort to commit to a common goal.


Each year on April 28, all sites and operations across ArcelorMittal celebrate Global Health & Safety Day.  In Canada, this coincides with the National Day of Mourning, which is dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives or suffered injury or illness on the job or due to a work-related tragedy. On this day, the Canadian flag flies at half-mast on Parliament Hill and on all federal government buildings, as it does at Dofasco’s main office. We join with Canadians in remembering those who have lost their lives on the job. And we commit to do everything possible to ensure it never happens again at Dofasco.

The health & safety of everyone on our site is our No 1. priority. We strive to implement best-in-class labour and safety standards in all facilities for all employees.  To produce steel without fatalities or injuries, everyone must take responsibility for ensuring a safe environment — not just for themselves but also for their colleagues, both our own employees and third party contractors.

We provide all of our employees with the training, tools and procedures necessary to complete their jobs in the safest way possible. To ensure our employees are safe at work, ArcelorMittal has a company-wide commitment to achieve zero accidents and fatalities in the workplace.

ArcelorMittal Dofasco has also made employee health a priority through the implementation of several preventive physical and mental health initiatives.

With the dedication of our employees, we have eliminated fatalities and dramatically reduced our accident and injury rates over the years. We have accomplished this through efforts to continually improve our Health & Safety culture. But we know we must continue this focus and develop a prevention-based mindset to stay ahead of accidents and ensure safety. This is why we started Journey to Zero in 2003 – our goal to eliminate illness, accidents and injuries.

Our Journey to Zero program includes everyone taking responsibility for their own safety and the safety of those around them. It also includes preventing accidents by identifying risks and hazards and taking appropriate action to eliminate any unsafe behaviours or working conditions. Simply put we “Stop. Challenge. Choose.” Before every task and every job.

With everyone’s shared vigilance and commitment to health & safety, we will be successful on our Journey to Zero.

  • Read more about the history of Health and Safety at Dofasco.
  • Read more about our Health and Safety Excellence master pillar.