Have you seen our 2016 Sustainability Reporting Hub? It is part of our commitment to open and transparent dialogue with our stakeholders, and reflects the environmental, social, and economic performance of our Canadian business units

This is ArcelorMittal’s fourth year reporting on sustainability performance in Canada – however, this is the first report that is hosted on an interactive platform, allowing stakeholders to navigate our performance and initiatives and build a customized sustainability report.

Year over year we are creating value as we progress our 10 outcomes, which focus on environment, local communities, and local economies. With more than 10,000 direct employees, ArcelorMittal also creates nearly 45, 000 additional indirect jobs. Our Canadian operations distributed $1.38B in direct economic value in 2016 (employee wages and benefits) and made investments of $2.1M in our communities. Our Sustainable Development framework also helps us secure the commercial success of our business, while contributing to solving the world’s sustainable development challenges. This is good for society, good for our stakeholders and good for us.

As our Canadian CEO’s commented in the report: “As the world’s largest steel and mining company, we have an opportunity — and responsibility — to lead the way in ensuring steel fulfills its potential as an essential material of the future. We have the power to make a positive difference to our stakeholders and shareholders, as well as society.”

Explore our Reporting Hub and learn more about our 10 outcomes, initiatives, and GRI data highlights

To read our Leadership Letter, click here.

For more information about our 2016 performance, click here.