25 STEM teachers from across Ontario will be headed back to school with a virtual steel mill in their backpack

For a dedicated group of teachers from across Ontario, the summer holidays included a camp experience designed to help them take their STEM classes to the next level. The American Society for Metals (ASM) – Ontario Chapter hosted a 5-day Materials Camp at McMaster University from July 10-14. We were proud to support the camp with an investment of $33,500 from the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Corporate Community Investment Fund (CCIF).

ASM Material Science Camp Canada Chairman is Dr. Hatem Zurob, is a faculty member of the McMaster University, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering. During the camp, teachers explored the properties of materials through a combination of innovative, hands-on laboratory experiments, demonstrations, and classroom discussions, all supported by the manual, Everything is Material, a publication of the ASM Materials Education Foundation.  The experiments, demonstrations, and discussions centred on various metals, including steel, polymers, ceramics, glass, and composites. Teachers studied topics such as corrosion, and each teacher received a C-kit – a toolkit complete with materials and documentation for carrying out corrosion-based experiments, as well as a video on corrosion, and support materials for their classrooms. The Camp also included a tour of our steelmaking and finishing facilities – a highlight of the week.

In addition to the ArcelorMittal Dofasco – ASM Material Science Camp, we are pleased to launch the ArcelorMittal Dofasco Advanced Manufacturing Program in partnership with ASM. The Program is a year-long Materials Science Boot Camp for students in elementary and high schools in the Hamilton-Burlington-Niagara area as well as Teach-the-Teacher Materials Science Boot Camps offered during Professional Development Days.

These programs are an important part of our commitment to deliver on our Sustainable Outcome No.9: Pipeline of Talented Scientists and Engineers.

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