ArcelorMittal has developed a holistic vision as it relates to digitalization, which includes the Internet of Things, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Dofasco has adopted all three to improve reliability, safety and operational efficiency and capture cost savings.
Digitalization isn’t new to ArcelorMittal or the steel industry. We have been working on digitalization efforts for nearly 20 years. Our team is increasing across the globe, as are our solutions and recognition.
The digital economy defined
- Internet of Things (IoT) enables both the gathering of data and making it available to the Big Data platform. ArcelorMittal’s IoT platform allows the company to manage all devices - security patches, algorithms, metadata - which is key for a data-driven company
- Big Data extracts value from huge volumes of information. It stores massive volumes of data, consolidates sources, centralizes the information and exposes a manageable interface to access and exploit it. Big Data has brought solutions to problems we weren’t able to solve before due to memory or execution time.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) - explores the data, identifies patterns and discovers insights, models behavior and uses optimization algorithms to transform those into recommendations. The outcomes of these actions result in additional data, closing a loop of online learning and continuous improvement.